Thursday, February 11, 2010

Too Big ....

I've noticed lately that Connor is getting too big for things.... I already posted about the boppy. But now, it's his bouncy seat (taken Jan 19, 2010). You can see how it droops to the ground. I don't think the vibrations on it actually make him move anymore -- he's too heavy! (Weighs almost 20 lbs now)

And, his swing. His swing used to swallow him up. Now, I have to remove the front tray to put him in and out. (Taken Jan 28, 2010). He still likes it, though, so we'll push it a little longer. Although, it doesn't swing him as high as it used to. :) I guess we'll have to go up to the highest setting for this little chunker!

1 comment:

  1. You just think you are going to take that swing away from him!!
